KICK-EEZ All Purpose Recoil Pad - Black

KICK-EEZ® products can improve your accuracy no matter what type of shooting you're doing, anywhere from target shooting to competition.


KICK-EEZ® recoil pads are made from Sorbothane, a proprietary visco-elastic material famous for its superior damping properties. In tests, Sorbothane has shown shock absorption levels up to 94.7%. Sorbothane retains its shock absorption properties over a broad range of temperatures and has an almost faultless memory, returning to its original shape even after thousands of compressions.


  • Designed to be used in all shooting applications.
  • Reduces flinching eases sore shoulders and cheeks.
  • Sorbothane attenuates shock waves by dispersing energy outward from the impact source.
  • Its delayed recovery properties minimize rebound shock.
  • Virtually eliminating the rebound effect of the first shot creates a quicker and more accurate second shot.
  • Sorbothane does not distort or lose its effectiveness after being compressed thousands of times.
  • Remains effective in all weather conditions.
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